Web 2.0 and People Who Get It
I spend a lot of my time working with great companies that want to get better. They keep striving for how they can improve incrementally in all areas of endeavor. It it this passion for “baby steps” rather than the “grand slam” that makes them great. I call it “continuous improvement” other call it “restlessness”, whatever you call it, working for one of these companies can be exciting and thrilling or unsettling and terrifying, it all depends on your point of view, it all depends on your personal perspective and how you interact with your peers at the company.
When I took my job at Catapult nearly 10 years ago, my CEO Sam promised me one thing: Change. He did not promise that I would be a consultant all my life or that I would ultimately become a manager, because he did not know. As it turns out one happened and the other didn’t, because I am only passionate about one role.
Where is all this coming from? Here is a recent interview with Sam where he talks about Web 2.0 inside the enterprise, sure SharePoint figures prominently, but he also talks about the importance of culture.
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