December 8th Meeting of the Central Texas SharePoint User Group

Yes, You Can Unit Test SharePoint Code And Here is How


December 8th Meeting Description:

One of the challenges of developing custom applications on the SharePoint platform is unit testing the solution. Mocking frameworks allow you to mock sealed classes in SharePoint that you would otherwise have to create stubs for. This allows you to easily isolate the code under test. In this session, Kyle Kelin will walk through the basics of mocking and then dive into examples of testing SharePoint code using a mocking framework, including:

  • Explanation and examples of using mocking in unit tests.
  • Explanation of the challenges of unit testing SharePoint code.
  • Using a mocking framework to overcome these challenges.

Meeting Details

Date: Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Time: 6:00-8:00pm (Dinner Included)
8:00pm: SharePint (Roaring Fork)
Location: Microsoft's NEW location
Quarry Oaks II
10900 Stonelake Blvd.
Building B, Suite 225
Austin, TX 78759
|| Development || SharePoint 2010 || User Group

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